Important Basic Suggestion Guidelines

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Staff member
MapleLumiere Basic Suggestion Guidelines

Players are encouraged to give suggestions as to how we can improve the server. But while you are cranking your head on what the server should have that will make your stay more pleasant, please also take into account if your suggestion is solely to make your gameplay more convenient and benefits just the players. A good suggestion should benefit both the Server & the Players in the long run. So, if you have any feedback that you feel will benefit both the server and players, feel free to make a thread and let us know what you have in mind.

Before making a new thread, players are encouraged to look through suggestions that are already posted to ensure that their suggestion(s) are not repeated.

Please note that both the Game & Forum Policies are still in effect in this section and should be considered when making a suggestion.

With that being said, we look forward to seeing all of your suggestions.
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